Julia Collins Andreu

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The Best Things To Do in Lockdown This Week

Having passed the month-and-a-bit mark of lockdown in the Uk, with our fifth housebound weekend approaching, it’s safe to say most of us have watched everything ever made by Netflix ever 🐯, are a bit zoomed-out and are starting to get itchy feet (is anyone else having weird dreams of being a bird?).

Prompted by the realisation I’ve killed ALL of my houseplants (yes, every single one) and even failed to cultivate a simple sourdough starter that doesn’t end up a hazard to human life.. I’ve been on the hunt for fun things to do in lockdown that are good for the soul (and don’t require keeping other things alive).

I’m a heart-eyed fan of The Aesthetics of Joy - ideas and tools for living a more joyful life backed by scientific research, founded by designer Ingrid Fetell Lee (have a look at her “joyful conversation starters” if the banter chez toi is getting bit stale). I’ve also enjoyed the escapism of wholesome podcast The Memory Palace - short, soothing tales of people, places and objects from American history. Nate Di Mayo is a master storyteller and at around 10 minutes each, they are short enough for a quick coffee break. I recommend beginning with Episode 33, Lost Lobsters - but you can listen in any random order. I also follow @goodnews_movement and read uplifting news stories here for a dollop of positivity to go with many a scoop of panic.

Lockdown Disclaimer: I recognise that this is a time of intense stress and overwhelm for most, with our collective centre of gravity having shifted so dramatically. It’s completely acceptable to assume the starfish position, or dedicate longer than average to cutting your toenails and completely reject so much as a soupçon of productivity while you wrap your head around the world feeling upside down. I won’t mind if you shake your fist at this list and curse me for adding to the things you could be doing but can’t even - it’s okay to feel the need to grieve and recalibrate.

But should you feel like trying something different, here are some of the nicest things I’ve found to do at home .. no pressure, I promise xx

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*I’m all too aware that it’s a tremendous privilege to have a safe space in which to stay home, to be healthy and to be in a position to feel bored or in search of something fun to do. I have been following the absolutely amazing work of charities such as Refuweegee and Women’s Aid helping extremely vulnerable people at the moment. 

I urge you to do whatever you are able in your local area to support organisations supporting those who need it the most. One of the easiest places to start is with the #ViralKindness campaign, who have created these great downloadable postcards to offer help to neighbours. ❤️

Read more from my Life-in-Lockdown series with my guide to The Best Local Businesses Offering Food & Drink Deliveries.

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 My articles will always stay free and accessible, but if my words, ideas & tips have been useful and you would like to support my work, you can buy me a cup of coffee via Ko-Fi (a fantastic, secure platform to help you support writers and artists online). You are wonderful and it’s much appreciated. xx